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Why Firing Under performers is Essential for Your Business
In my years of experience as a leader, I have seen under performers bringing down companies. The truth is, sometimes you need to fire people who are not meeting expectations to move your business forward. As someone who is supposed to help leaders hire talent, I know it may seem counterintuitive for me to suggest firing employees. However, it's important to understand that under performers...

No more passes please!
Look, I get it. As a recruiter for diverse and female leaders, I know I'm not your average run-of-the-mill HR exec. But that doesn't mean you can pass me around like a hot potato without taking any real action. Recently, I had an experience that left me scratching my head. I spoke with a CEO who was interested in hiring a female COO. He passed me off to his HR exec, who passed me off to the...

Shocking Advice from my BOSS
As a former corporate executive, I've had my fair share of challenging conversations with higher-ups. But the one that stands out the most to me was when my boss told me we needed to let people go, but it needed to be done confidentially to avoid impacting morale. I knew in my gut that this was not the right approach.When I suggested that we should be transparent about the business situation...

Rise of Stay Home Dad’s
As an executive recruiter, I recently had a conversation with a female CEO about her next career move. When asked about relocating for the right role, she replied with ease, "Yes. No problem." When I inquired about her husband's job, her response was unexpected yet refreshing: "His role is flexible. He's a stay-at-home dad." We laughed, but it was clear that we were witnessing a great example...